
Monday, March 18, 2013

Tablescape Tuesday - Saint Patricks Day Tablescape

Top o' the mornin to ya! 
Thanks so much for joining me for another Tablescape Tuesday!
This week we had a wonderful Sunday Family Dinner at our home to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day.
If you're new to my's a wee bit of information for ya' about our Sunday Family Dinner Tradition...if you're NOT new to my blog and already know about this tradition...feel free to skip right over this part!!! 

We started a new family tradition in January 2013 (a New Years' Resolution) that I hope continues even after the kids are grown.


We pretty much have dinner together as a family every night, but on Sundays, we have a special dinner in the dining room as opposed to the kitchen table, where we normally eat.

I get out the fine china and candles and make a special meal and so far, it has been something we look forward to each week.
Then once a month, we invite some of our extended family to join us for a Sunday family dinner.
It's also been giving me a chance to do lots of new TABLESCAPES..haha!

To see my previous tablescapes from other Sunday Family Dinners, you can click here:

Sunday Family Dinner #1 - Red and Blue Toile
S.F.D.#2 - Black, White and Silver
S.F.D.#3 - Winter Woods With White
S.F.D.#4 - The "Royal Treatment"
S.F.D.#5 - Super Bowl Table
S.F.D. #6 - Mardi Gras Table
S.F.D. #7 - Spring is Springing Up
S.F.D. #8 - "Apple of My Eye"
S.F.D. #9 - "Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss"
S.F.D. #10 - The "KNego" Tablescape (Designed by my 9 year old son)
 Because I'm on a budget but love to switch up my decor for the various tablescapes each week, I'm decorating my tables almost entirely on BARGAINS....finds from the Dollar Stores, Thrift Stores, or regular stores with sales or clearance items.

We had a very busy week this week, setting up an outdoor movie night for some of our homeschooling family friends, so I didn't have time to put a very elaborate table together, but I was hoping to do the "simple, yet elegant" tablescape with this table... 
My colors were the cooler colors of mint green, kelly green and silver with white. 

I started with a white tablecloth and put a round mint color tablecloth from the Salvation Army ($2, I believe) over top.
The centerpiece was a bargain candelabra I got at Goodwill for $4, I believe. I added the lovely silver candles that I got on clearance after Christmas.  This is the same one you've seen in my Winter Woods With White Tablescape a few months ago...this time it looks a little different.

Next to that candelabra on either side were two beautiful silver candle holders I got at my church's local thrift store for 75 cents each.  The green sparkly taper candles were on sale at Goodwill for 50 cents for both...again, as part of their Christmas clearance.
Here is a plate breakdown for you...
For the placemats, I used white circle shaped placemats from the Dollar Tree last year. My silver Chargers from Walmart - 98 cents each around the Holidays, but if you can wait until after the Holidays they go on clearance and then you can snag them up for a super-bargain!  One of my blogger friends said she got quite a few green ones for 25 cents at her Walmart after Christmas!!!   WOW!
My "white workhorse" plates from the Dollar Tree made yet another appearance!  Love these plates....cost effective and cute!  A great combo!


 Next up are some silver large salad plates, also from the Dollar Tree...available now.  They they worked really nicely as a salad plate on our table and for future tables that will contain a silver element!  They are so shiny and the edges have an interesting pattern that give some texture to the table.  AND ya can't beat the price!  haha!
Some dark green dessert plates from Goodwill... Also $1 each, I believe!
 My 50 cent saucers from Goodwill...I love this pattern in the plate edges.

Then I topped it off with a green napkin and a silver bling napkin ring from ebay!   I was really hoping to be able to find my dark green napkins, but I couldn't seem to find them all, soooooo these had to do!  =D

I also got back out my green Ross hurricane candle holders in the mosaic pattern that I got last month for Mardi Gras time. These were $4.99 each at Ross.
My Dollar green bowls from Goodwill were turned upside down as well as a few glass flat marbles to represent the "Rolling Green Hills of Ireland!!!"  
A bit cheesy?  A bit of a stretch?  Yep, probably so!   =D
I hung some shiny green curly ribbon on the chandelier to add a bit of Irish glamour to the table.  I loved the pops of green on this table and the curly ribbon just added a little more of that Irish Green that I was looking for!
All in all, I really liked the way the table turned out.  Simple, but I felt like it had a bit of elegance to it. 

The buffet was very simply dressed, with just a white tablecloth, and dark green runner, and some mint green and kelly green accents.  The side table just had some simple candles and a few tall vases with some green accents. 

Now, I know St. Patrick's Day has come and gone, but if you're unfamiliar with St. Patrick, here is a really cute video to get you up to speed...haha!  This is the history of St. Patrick...done in such an entertaining way!  Great to watch with the kids, or even just for you for a little giggle and some learnin'!  Hope you enjoy!

Thanks so much for joining me today for another Tablescape Tuesday! 

Let me leave you also with this Old Irish Blessing...

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Have a great week and I look forward to seeing you again soon!

This post is being added to...
Centerpiece Wednesday
Open House Party
Let's Dish
Tutorials Tips and Tidbits
Two girls and a party
Tablescape Thursday
Thrifty Things Friday
Feathered Nest Friday




  1. Hi there! First of all, I am TOTALLY jealous that you have weather nice enough to have a movie night outdoors!!!! It snowed here today! And we're expecting more Thursday and Sunday!!! I'm glad we're getting the much-needed precipitation, but hate it that the sunshine is so rare these days. Very depressing! Fun table! I really like the shiny green of those candles!!! I can't watch the video right now. Ramon's head is right next to the speaker, and I don't want to rock that cradle! :-) I'll come back and watch another time. It looks cute!

    1. Thanks Alycia! Yes, we are loving this weather these days! We get some cold fronts that come through and it gets chilly, but nothing like the Missouri weather I used to know! I still have family in Missouri and they say they're also glad for the precip. but are not loving that snow! Hope you get some nice warmer weather soon! I know the frustration of waiting for Spring when it's still cold out! Have a great week!

  2. Lovely! That dark green really catches my eye. So pretty!

  3. Girl you do the most amazing tables. I so want to hire you :)

  4. Very pretty, love the silver and green. xo

  5. I know your family is enjoying your tables. What memories the kids will have. Love the dark green! Happy Spring. xo marlis

  6. Love the layers and deep green.

    - The Tablescaper

  7. What a pretty tablescape! I especially love the green mosaic lanterns and the napkin rings. What a treat for your guests! Hope you can stop by the enchanted oven.

  8. I am happy to find another lady that likes to get more bang for the buck by shopping the thrift is amazing what one can find in them! Lovely table.

  9. Your table is lovely and I adore the silver and white with the green, your photos are so perfect all the shots are great...Love thrift stores too, such cool finds...

  10. My middle name is Clearance, lol, I go there first!
    Thanks so much for linking your green table to Let's Dish!

  11. I need to go shopping with you!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  12. Gorgeous! Those green candles are my favorite! Thanks so much for linking this up to Monday Funday!
